Live from KI #7 (Aug 2015)


Credits: Episode Seven
Written and performed by:
Alison Pritchard, Alex Perkins, Angie Holford, Dan Sweryt, Daniel Page, David Salisbury, Debbie Arnold, Ed DeCesare, Eleanor Green, Griff Phillips, Jamie Gladden, Jane McCutcheon, John O’Neil, Neil Tollfree, Patrick Pearson, Rachel Esposti, Ranko Vrcelj, Steve Holford, Stephen Hope-Wynne, Stephen Mawhinney, Stu Cooper and Suzanne Bonetti.

Additional material:
Chris Tindall, Christopher Frost, Darren Hoskins, Luke Jerromes, Robert Mills, Seth Lynch and Simon Heath.

Many of the sound effects:

The new Kirrin Island theme tune is:
“Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix)” by spinningmerkaba 2011 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)

The script editors were David Salisbury, Eleanor Green and Jamie Gladden. The producer was Alison Pritchard.

Please note that not all performed material has made the final edit and therefore the recorded credits may differ slightly.

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